Tuesday, 28 October 2014

A little secret to gaining longer lashes | Ayesha

Two weeks ago, I decided to do a little experiment involving mascara and wearing none of it. I heard on the radio a long time ago that not wearing mascara for 2 weeks would improve the condition of your lashes so when you wear mascara again, they would be very voluminous. 




As you can see in the before and after photos, it might be a very small difference (or perhaps you can't see any difference at all; however, in person I can!) but I feel that my lashes are now slightly longer and also a bit more fluttery. Both pictures were taken first thing in the morning with no makeup on, nor had I curled my eyelashes. 

In truth, the mascara challenge was difficult and I wore it on 2 occasions during those 2 weeks. However, I had gone a week and a half without wearing it the first time.

In comparison, Zahra also tried the no mascara challenge and completed the full 2 weeks. However, she felt there was no difference. I feel mine grew longer because I have been doing some extra things to help them along the way, but I promise these things are what I have been doing anyway for a few months!

1. I have been taking a multivitamin every day.
2. I have been applying coconut oil all over my face, including eyes, every night before bed.

With the combination of the three, perhaps giving my eyelashes a rest from mascara and nourishing them inside and out has helped them out.

Give it a try for yourself to see if it will work for you!

*Please make sure you're able to take multivitamins - check with someone first in case you're pregnant or have allergies! 

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