Sunday, 11 January 2015

Girl Online and fitness update | Ayesha

Hi all!

My potatoes are taking too long to cook, so I thought I would jump on here to use up some of the time. It's been a while again!

First of all, happy new year. Hope everybody had a great break and are raring to go. 

I downloaded Girl Online, a story by Zoe Sugg (Zoella) as an audiobook and I have been listening to it on my way to work. It's all a bit too cupcakes and sugar for me (says the girl who loved the Shopaholic series), but I still find it a guilty pleasure to listen to. There is a section on new years resolutions and how the main character achieves them all. Now, I am not one for NYR as 1. I find them hard to stick at, and 2. I believe that if you want to do something, you should do it there and then without delay. I started motivating myself to lose weight before the Christmas holidays, much to the amusement of my parents (well, mainly my dad) who would make comments about how I'm "not allowed to have another teaspoon of the cream pudding", ha ha very funny. In all honesty it has been incredibly difficult. I did, however, exercise every other day on the treadmill and I feel better for doing so. When I measured my waist yesterday, I saw that I had lost a whole inch since November!! That has really boosted my confidence and I only have 2 inches to go until I'm happy. My risk of getting diabetes will always be there as it runs in my family, but I'm doing everything I can to prevent it.

This weekend, I've been feeling quite cranky much to the bemusement of my husband. I did apologise to him. We woke up relatively early for a Sunday (8am!) and I suggested we went out for a walk as it was looking sunny outside. There is a park opposite where we live which includes a woodland area, children's play park, a local nature reserve and a canal. It was beautiful and I felt so much better for it. We walked for about an hour and a half. However, I should have known this, but I didn't eat any food before we left or bring a snack to eat while we were walking so that did not automatically fix the crankiness. Coffee and some cereal when I came back did the trick. 

Here are some pictures of the park:

What do you like to do to let off steam?

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