Friday, 25 April 2014

3 Hair Products- Review | Zahra

Hello everyone.

So a few weeks ago I went shopping and bought 2 of the products mentioned in this post- the Tony and Guy 'Casual Sea Salt Texturising Spray'- texture and body and the 'Extreme Hold Hairspray'- gravity defying control. I've been using these since I bought them and they are SO good.

Let me quickly give you an insight story on my hair- naturally my hair is super frizzy and pretty damn curly so I find myself continuously styling it- blowdrying and curling/straightening and I can never make it stay straight for more than 2 days.

Oh hey there!

So this is my hair after I've straightened it- (nice outfit!).  In this I had just put some of the hairspray through my hair- focusing on the ends as they get curly quickest. Sorry for the crappy quality by the way; front phone cameras don't do all that much justice.

This is my hair after putting the salt spray from the middle down to the ends and it just makes such a difference. Instead of my hair being completely flat, it just adds a bit of a beachy- texturised- this took me one hour to do- sort of look. The way i apply it is spraying about 20-30cm away from my hair and then scrunching my hair up and playing around with it. 

The last product was recommended by Zoe (Zoella) and it was in her November favourites and as I quite like the 'big hair' look I decided to try it out. It's the L'Oreal Studio Line 'Volume Supersizing Spray' and it retails for about £3.75 if I recall correctly but WOW! You might not be able to tell from the photo but my hair is like twice as big as it was before and it has a lot more grip and hold in it. If you have hair like me which is really thick and long, you'll know that it weighs down quite a lot therefore leaving the top of your hair quite flat. All I do is simply spray some to the top of my head and ruffle(?) my hair around and this is normally the result (plus I have to just point out that it smells incredible)

My hair the morning after styling

As my hair (like I said) is very curly- I can't really keep super straight for long but this is by far the straightest hair I've woken up with and it hasn't been like this with any other hairspray.

Plus best thing about all these products are that they're under £10!

If you have any hairsprays that you love- pleeaasse leave them down below so I can check them out.

Any-who... Thanks for reading and enjoy :) 

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